The graph on the right shows a theoretical solution for the maximum lift coefficient and corresponding stall speed at 1100 lbs - the quoted gross weight for the GN-1 Aircamper.
The red curve is the line of best fit for calculated maximum lift coefficients for the GN-1 Aircamper airfoil obtained using Xfoil.
The black curve shows the results obtained for the lift coefficient (Cl) using the following equation for Lift (straight and level flight):
L = 0.5 x (density) x (velocity)^2 x (S) x (Cl)
L = lift force = weight = 1100 lbs (at the stall)
density = density of air = 0.00238 slug/ft^3 (at sea level on a standard day)
velocity = free air velocity at the stall in ft / sec
S = wing surface area = 145 sq.ft
Cl = calculated maximum lift coefficient at the stall
The results obtained suggest that the power off stall speed for the GN-1 Aircamper at 1100 lbs maximum gross weight is approximately 64 ft / sec or 38 knots. The calculated maximum lift coefficient at this stall speed is 1.56.
Does anyone has some actual flight performance data on the stall speed of the GN-1 Aircamper at maximum gross weight ?